The South Australian Government is committed to revegetating an area of the Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve which was decimated by Giant Pine Scale (GPS).
Approximately 500 pine trees were infected with GPS at the reserve and had to be cut down.
These felled trees have since been mulched, stockpiled and treated with a disinfectant and will remain on the site for 12 months to minimise the risk of any further spread. Mulched, infected trees from other nearby public and private blocks are also currently stockpiled at Hope Valley.
A rehabilitation plan is already underway with a focus on replacing the pine trees with native vegetation, which is consistent with SA Water’s wider land management program.
The section of the reserve affected by the scale is in an area currently not accessible to the public but in a major win for the local community, a walking trail will now be created through this specific area.
Originally, a walking trail would have required some of the pine trees to be cut down, but given they have already been removed the trail can be easily constructed with minimal impact on the environment.
Consultation will open shortly on this trail which will be funded under the Open Space Grant Program.
Work on the walking trail will begin after the quarantine period, with replanting to occur from mid to late 2025.
Native to the eastern Mediterranean region, GPS is an insect that sucks the sap of pine trees and poses a threat to Australia’s softwood plantation industry, as it can cause severe dehydration and dieback of branches, leading to tree death in some cases.
Importantly, GPS does not pose a risk to the local community, or to water quality in the reservoir.
The exotic pest has infested thousands of pine trees in Victoria and poses a serious threat to the state's $1.4 billion forest industry and Australia's softwood plantation industry.
PIRSA continues to inspect pine trees in the area for GPS, including both private and public land surrounding the Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve.